The immortal throne diablo 3
The immortal throne diablo 3

Diablo 3's tuning (Inferno) was intended to require farming, not drive people to the Auction House. Diablo 3 wasn't tuned around the Auction House. Testing was only available up to the Skeleton King, which obviously, wasn't enough. For instance, Diablo 3 needed more public testing. We find out about a lot of important design lessons that the Diablo team learned during the game's development.

the immortal throne diablo 3

Wyatt Cheng, Diablo Immortal's Game Director, in a series of tweets, talked about lessons learned during the development of Diablo 3. For more information on Kevin and his exploits, you should check out our original preview on Kanai’s Cube. He was lost to a rare form of cancer on October 17, 2014. Kevin was an artist on several projects at Blizzard, including World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and Reaper of Souls. While a small easter egg, it is a treasured one, as this event allows us to share the experience with friends and fans alike of adventuring once more side by side with the late Kevin Kanai Griffith. From here on out, every March, you’ll be able to visit Elder Chief Kanai and tag along on a trip to his personal Stomping Grounds. Players who tested this patch on the PTR may have recalled a mysterious message that would occasionally appears in The Immortal Throne: “The time is not right.” We ultimately removed the message because of confusion it was causing, but we didn’t remove the special event it referenced. Patch 2.3.0 was released on Augand introduced the Ruins of Sescheron and the powerful artifact hidden within, Kanai’s Cube. For the month of March, those who pay their respects to Elder Chief Kanai will find they can tag along with him on one more adventure. The spectral form of Chief Elder Kanai rises from his seat and beckons you to follow him as he opens up a mysterious portal.

The immortal throne diablo 3